Step 3: The Creating Organizational Cultures Responsive to Change eMod created by Richard Jorgensen, Ph.D. (hc) provides the “How” that has been missing for lasting individual and organizational change.
This eMod plunges into the core of organizational culture and the importance of change, offering readers logical explanations and a newfound awareness for equality. Dr. Jorgensen's practical tools, rooted in 25 years of solid research, have created powerful lessons in the understanding of sub-cultures, within our own culture.
Life is all about change. We go from being in balance, to being out of balance, to re-establishing balance again in a new and different way. A modern day treasure full of wisdom, insight, and practical advice, this eMod will continue to change the way you look at your life in accordance with timeless philosophies being applied to current situations.
Applying these philosophies can transform businesses, schools, families, and organizations overnight, offering authentic success through all phases of evolution. Discover the innate strengths and abilities that lie within your personal and professional cultures.
In creating a foundation for organizational cultures, employees will learn to:
- Take responsibility:
- Make decisions
- Take action
- Have accountability
- Identify and stop manipulative behavior
- Identify and correct authority issues by learning the difference between structural authority and emotional authority.
- Use tools to create teamwork through interdependency not independency
Step 4: Organizational Culture Value-ation Shift provides a comprehensive comparison of the quantitative and qualitative shifts of organizational culture patterns for individuals and the organization, as a direct measurable result of the “Creating Organizational Cultures Responsive to Change” eMod program. Categories of comparison include:
- Attitude to Change & Improvement
- Conflict Struggles
- Communication
- Action and Decisions
- Achievement & Priorities
- Customer Service
- Organizational Character
- Organizational Structure
- Organizational Working Environment & Relationships
- Leader Relationships
Step 5: Lasting Change. According to Dr. Jorgensen, "Before there can be change in the organizational culture, all people involved must come to a collective agreement to implement and support new programs. Without this foundation, the very nature of the culture that you wish to change will destroy change. Individuals cannot change without the culture changing and the culture change cannot occur without the
individual support." This proven eMod accomplishes this very objective.
- Implementation process
- Evaluation at 90 days, 180 days and 1 year
The Organizational Culture Value-ation Indicator process reveals organizational patterns, revolutionary technology and programs that create organizational cultures responsive to change with advanced learning systems, feedback assessments and online facilitated interaction.
Organizations and individuals are provided quantitative and qualitative results throughout the process measuring the lasting changes and results.