Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS

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Addiction Identification, Preventment, Intervention, Treatment, Aftercare,
Long-Term Recovery and Accountability Reporting 

(When Relapse is Not an Option)




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Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS™
Emotional Sobriety Difference

What is PW Recovery PLUS™?
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Emotional Sobriety With Recovery Plus™

From the roots of successful addiction recovery, comes a program rooted in the wisdom of proven experience called Pocket Wisdom. Using proven methodology supported by Technology provides a new path for life and recovery.

  • 20% of the quality of our life is determined by what happens.
  • 80% of our life is determined by how we deal with it.

Time has taught us that life in not based on just one thing, but rather the integration of many aspects and perceptions of life into a single process. This process gives us the broadness to deal with the multiple of challenges offered by normal life experiences.

Pocket Wisdom is a collection of proven life principles that brings together the wisdom to understand how we are “wired” on an emotional and logical level.  With that understanding we can better learn to trust that voice inside us.  When we do this, we sharpen the five dimensions of our human experience.  

We no longer hold onto the learned belief (old tapes) that we only have one dimension of self (rules and events) … rather we are part of an ever-changing dynamic world in which we live.  We will learn how the five dimensions of self must work together to give us full control of our life and work hand in hand with the 12 Step Program:

  • Spiritual Intelligence – Connecting to the Voice Inside Your Heart and NOT Your Head
    • Intuition – Knowing what to do without any prior knowledge or experience.
    • Creativity – Knowing how to do it without any prior knowledge or experience.
    • Spontaneity – Knowing when to do it without any prior knowledge or experience.
    • Faith / Trust- Having the trust to do it without having any guarantees or magical thinking.
  • Human Intelligence – Developing Emotional Self Authority
    • Perceptions – To see clearly what is really going on and not what we think or feel is happening.
    • Attitudes – To sharpen our skills in non pre-judging events and be open to seeking the truth.
    • Thinking – To sharpen our skills in clear thinking to understand cause and effect and see choices so to make better decisions.
    • Feeling – To know when to trust our feelings and when not be misled by emotional illusions.
    • Behavior – To take action at a place and time that the best results will be achieved.   Remember the two keys to success are positioning and timing (…being at the right place at the right time).

PLT eMod Technology is the basis for the delivery of content to be learned through right-brain / left-brain balanced learning (transformational learning), which supports the learning process for each individual (from the gifted to the challenged and all those in between).  “PLT eMod” is a technology that works with your individual learning style to support and enhance your personal learning skills.

Pocket Wisdom Recovery Plus™ is not about alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling or any other excessive, compulsive behavior.  Your 12 Step program addresses that.  Pocket Wisdom Recovery Plus™ is about integrating Emotional Recovery into 12 Step Recovery.

Pocket Wisdom Recovery Plus™ is an educational process of “Recovering Your Life” and taking back what your excessive, compulsive and addictive behaviors and thinking took from you.  It is a principle-based program of understanding Cause and Effect.  When you understand why things happen to you, you won’t do them again and you won’t let them happen to you again.  

Pocket Wisdom Recovery Plus™ focuses on how to survive, be free to live your life as you choose, be useful by doing the things you love to do, experiencing being loved by others and loving  others… and most important being able to just be yourself and not what others what you to be.

  • It is a process of separating reality from illusion.  
  • It is a process of learning what is real and what is not.
  • It is a process of letting go of the illusion of controlling others and taking charge of YOUR life.

The goal of Pocket Wisdom Recovery Plus™ is to provide you with a platform for Emotional Sobriety to live life as you choose.  Providing you with the Emotional skills to obtain, attain and sustain sobriety by boosting your emotional intelligence and metacognitive skills to empower you to live a happy life, on lifes terms.  


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