Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS

Become a Licensed "Recovery PLUS" Provider

Addiction Identification, Preventment, Intervention, Treatment, Aftercare,
Long-Term Recovery and Accountability Reporting 

(When Relapse is Not an Option)




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Testimony Details in pdf form

Cases Studies have identified improvements in emotional intelligence, relationship understanding, relationship development, reading abilities, concentration and focus, and emotional regulation problems.

A third party independent study tested a range of Life Skills U courses that encompass the
“Recovery PLUS™” program.  The study results showed the significant change and lasting improvement in the Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence and Self-Identity of the participants.  



"This clearly shows with a 95% (or greater assurance) that the change in total mean difference is not due to chance.   One can assume the alternate hypothesis is in effect which state that the change in total mean difference is due to the program (Pocket Wisdom) intervention with the population under study, all things equal”.

A continuous growth curve... for when retention and results count.

Click for Testimony Document

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