Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS

Become a Licensed "Recovery PLUS" Provider

Addiction Identification, Preventment, Intervention, Treatment, Aftercare,
Long-Term Recovery and Accountability Reporting
(When Relapse is Not an Option)




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Mission Statement

In a world of dynamic economic, political and social change Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS™ provides health care proffesionals with an approved methodology supported by proven technology to enhance and optimise professionals effectiveness while addressing the growing problem of economic and bugetary (insurance) considerations.  Assisting service providers in offering a more balanced, sustainable and effective Addiction Recovery Solution for individuals, businesses, schools and organizations.

Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS seeks to improve the benefits and effectiveness of consumers and clients. Because,  Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS recognizes that 9 out of 10 people will not be able to change even if their life depends on it  we see a clear need for better, more efficient, more effectual educational and informational processes and tools.  Due to the increasing lack of discretionary income Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS is dedicated to providing low-cost, value for money education to provide an educational platform for transformational unlearning and relearning.  The foundation of the Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS program is built on the platform of Pocket Wisdom.  Pocket Wisdom brings foundational core values and principles back to the world – teaching life skills that teach empowerment, self-regulation and Socratic thinking and processing skills.


Our Vision

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Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS™ sees the need to provide health care proffesionals with the tools to survive in these uncertain times, through providing client education, that teaches emotional sobriety. We believe that it is not that health care proffesionals dont provide clients with the information, but it is the clients who lack the openness, compliance, responsibility and accountability skills (emotional intelligence and emotional maturity) needed to apply what they learn (hear or see).  Therefore our vision is to provide health care proffesionals with a proven educational tool to build emotional sobriety assisting clients in learning the information they need to prevent addiction, intervene addiction, treat addiction and prevent relapse.

The Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS™ model provides both outsourcing opportunities and ownership opportunities for licensed health care proffesionals to add to their services and increase the overall effectiveness and satisfaction.  Our ultimate goal is to provide care and support to people through proven business opportunities, educational resources and emotional intelligence development tools.  



If I give you a fish I feed you for a day.

If I teach you to fish, I feed you for a life time.

The prinicples behind Pocket Wisdom Recovery PLUS™ are rooted in philosophy, psychology, sociology, theology, medicine and science.  The program teaches core life prinicples in a way that evokes a process of unlearning and relearning (transformational learning and change).  The technology supported by proven methdology teaches people HOW to apply fundamental life skills and prinicples to their life in a sustainable way.


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