Transitioning from a Service to a Business
Building a business in today's turbulent economy times is hard...
Combat these challenges by tapping into the sustainable education market.
The Recovery PLUS™ program is focused on providing technology and services to Service Providers that are looking for an opportunity to expand their services into an effective business. AwareComm® provides Service Providers with the tools and resources to learn not only WHAT but HOW to transition from a service into a business. AwareComm® provides a proven business model to:
When partnering with Service Providers AwareComm® looks at two key aspects:
What is your Net Worth?
What is your Network Worth $$$?
If like most Service Providers today you see the impact of the economy eating way at your clients discretionary income, then it stands to reason that in order to maintain and increase your market you need to differentiate and diversify. But how do you do this effectively? How do you:
Lower your price to be more affordable?
Increase customer satisfaction?
Maintain regular contact with clients?
Establish value and gratitude for the contact?
Beat the competition?
Define your customer?
Attract more customers:
In a nutshell: How do you turn your network into a Self-Perpetuating; Self-Regulating; Self-Funding asset that is based on your philosophy and concepts?
Blending technology, methodology and technique PLT offers Service Providers the tools to transition into a Self-Perpetuating; Self-Regulating; Self-Funding business, to reach, retain and attract clients with:
Tools to Connect Daily
Tools to Distribute (Download)
Tools to Participate (View)
Tools to Contribute (Learner App)
Tools to Transform Learning (Unlearning and Relearning)
Tools to Develop Smart Phone Applications
Tools to Develop Desktop eLearning Centers (Netbooks, PC’s, Desktops)
How do we do this?
AwareComm® works with you to create a technology based product. That provides you with the consulting and development team to determine your business needs. For example:
Secure Branded Intranet Network
Tailored Infrastructure
CRM Tracking
Private Skype
VoIP Video Conferencing
And More...
Effective Learning Applications (For ALL Learners)
Pay-It-Forward (Word-of-Mouth) Marketing
Learner Applications
SmartPhone Applications
To accomplish this AwareComm® provides Service Providers with the tools to:
Attract customers with a Self-Sustaining Educational Solution, that teaches them not what but how to empower themselves. The educational process increases customer knowledge and emotional intelligence thus increasing their willingness to learn more, comply and apply information more effectively.
The learning methodology and technique involves a 5 stage learning process that brings about transformational learning (unlearning and relearning) in a systematic and proven way. While additionally overcoming learner challenges and resistance to "new information: or information that is contrary to their belief structure. The 5 part process is: