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Addiction Identification, Preventment, Intervention, Treatment and Long-Term Recovery
(When Relapse is Not an Option)
eMod Design - Why Are We Different?
Bridging the Space Between
Proven Theory and Design with Practical Application
Our strength lies in our patented technology and processes which result in awareness thinking and learning that raising consciousness. AwareComm’s next generation media is not the creation of just a new technology, but the integration of all previous and existing media technologies into
a single unified media delivery system.
Read What the Top 87
Philosophers and Educators
Have To Say... Click for Video
PLT/eMod Technology provides a delivery mechanism that integrates: picture thinking, word thinking, sound thinking, motion thinking, music thinking, self interaction, social interaction and word-of-mouth networking... in a way that speeds up the learning process (shortens the time) and increases learning comprehension by 77%.
Read What the Top 87
Philosophers and Educators Have To Say...
Personal Learning Technology™ effectively bridges theories of the top 87 philosophers, psychologists,
sociologists, scientists and theologists with practical applications of life..